Tuesday, 14 June 2011

What You Have Learn In OSOS

What is open source operating system? That's the first question that we wondered if
want to start learning this subject. Upon this question we have continued to intrude
into the open source operating system environment and learn a variety of it.

Beginning with the introduction of open source and Linux Fundamentals.
From there, our students about open source technologies, the history of open source.
We also learn about the types of open source software, OSS u OSI certified in
Linux Licenses That used to protect the rights of the abuse of open source software,
the origin of linux, linux and many other features of the introduction of the open source
operating system.

After introductions, we have to learn how to install a Linux distribution.
Definitely one that should be taught about the tools available in addition to
various measures that can be used to install the operating system. We also learn
about using multiple partitions at one time and type of partition .
It have a few simple commands and bootload also taught in this chapter.

In the next chapter, we have learned about the Linux desktop environment.
Among the many, many chapters have learned, this is the most interesting chapter
for the unique graphic display on the desktop and various applications for the Linux
operating system. This chapter is on the Desktop as the desktop type, three important
components in the desktop environment and application examples for the
open source operating system.

Upon completion of the chapter to learn desktop environment, we continue our learning
about the Linux File Systems Administration. In the chapter we learn a lot of
command - the command is important. Among the functions of command that we learned
is that a special command for the directory, basic linux command, the command to
change permission on a file and the command to display the file contents.
In this chapter we also learn how to shrink a file with compression.

In the next chapter, we learn about the Linux Shell. In this chapter, we
learn from the introduction of what the shell and its significance. In addition,
we learn various Linux shell, shell interface and the Linux text editor. We also
learn the types of file systems available in Linux in more detail, including
BFS, ext2, ext3 and some are available in Linux. In this chapter we also learn
the origin and cause file system errors and how to repair the system files again.

After the Linux shell, we will learn about Linux Networking. This chapter was a
bit of the chapter - another chapter in the never learn because it only
describes some types of network protocols used on Linux with the details.
In addition, we also learn how to configure network card.

In the seventh chapter, we learn about Linux and configuration services. In this chapter,
we learn about the privileges of root user, web base administration tools,
graphical tools to know a bit about how to set up the network using the command
line and configure most of the others using the GUI. We also learn a few commands for
the configuration file, the command to know information about memory and hardware and
how to insert the new hard disk on a Linux system.

The final chapter we have learned about how to troubleshoot Linux systems. We have
learned from the methodology and procedure troubleshoot. After that, we learn how to
troubleshoot problems that occur on your hard disk, driver, improper hardware
configuration, hard disk partition, updating packages, kernel upgrades, and a
command to troubleshoot application software. In addition, we also learn to troubleshoot
the bootloader, serial device and lost root password.

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